Your Airstream is a part of the family, and its care should reflect its importance in your life. From interior and exterior maintenance and repairs to exciting upgrades, the experts at the Airstream Dealers across the country are here to help.
Airstream Dealers in the United States
Looking to get in contact with an Airstream dealership? Use our dealer locator to find the Airstream dealer closest to you who can provide service, repairs, and maintenance on your travel trailer or touring coach. For your convenience, you can search by city, state/province, or your zip code to find a dealer.
Each dealer location result includes information about the products carried at that location, a link to their dealership website, dealer contact information, and a link to reach out directly to the dealership.
You’ll also notice a Five Rivet Dealer logo in the search results alongside some dealerships. These are the top dealerships in the country who meet Airstream’s highest standards for sales and service, as determined by customer feedback (read on for more information about the Five Rivet Program).
Airstream's Five Rivet Dealers
Airstream's Five Rivet Dealer program includes only the top dealers who have successfully met the highest standards in both sales and service across five rivets (or categories): the brand, the shopping experience, the delivery experience, the service experience, and long term loyalty. An Airstream dealer's Five Rivet status is determined by customer feedback gathered after purchase, and the list is updated quarterly.
Every Airstream Travel Trailer is crafted from an average of 3,000 rivets which is the foundation of the iconic aluminum shell. Top dealerships are built with only five rivets which all exemplify a key touchpoint in creating a superior customer experience. Dealerships that have met the highest standards can be identified with the Airstream Five Rivet Dealer mark (shown above).
Read more about the origin and mission of the Five Rivet program.
To maintain their Five Rivet Program status, each dealership must earn an above-average rating in all categories. Customer survey responses not only give direction on how to better train and support Five Rivet dealers now and in the future, but they determine whether or not a dealer acquires the outstanding status. With the goal of wanting to continuously enhance the customer experience across the board, it only makes sense to design a customer-centric program where the owners dictate the outcome instead of Airstream.
When stopping by a Five Rivet Dealer, you can be sure you’re getting the full Airstream experience. Use our dealer locator to find the Five Rivet Dealer closest to you. Remember, Five Rivet Dealers are marked with the Five Rivet logo and will stand out in the search results.
Airstream Dealerships Outside of the USA
Does Airstream have international dealerships? Yes! In addition to the United States, Airstream dealerships are found in Austria, Canada, Europe, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Click here to view global dealership options.